ZantrioZ Nusantara

by Zanuar



This application is aimed at those who have a hobby in the world of communications, especially Handy Talky and the like.presents the appearance and functions of an HT in general and is equipped with several available features.This application requires internet data when used, and the stability of the connection during communication depends on the stability of your internet connection.With minimal data consumption, it is hoped that it will run smoothly and not become a burden during communication.Making this application solely comes from a hobby and for social activities, and is used free of charge, without any payment except for the data you use for the internet connection.Can be used to coordinate activities, communicate with distant families, or other activities that require other means of communication.Features:* Attractive appearance* Can see who is online on the same channel* Get a unique call sign attached to each of your cellphones* 118 channels from 281-399 are provided with an easy to use go to channel button.* Private channel facilities are available for private use with families or groups who require their own privacy with permission from net control* The PTT button can be used via the handsfree button* Float feature, can be modulated while opening any application* Points and Grade feature, send points to each other to increase ZantrioZs Grade* Stereo effect audio* Game Features* Like feature, you can give your colleagues a LIKE rating so that a verified sign will appear on PP* Radio Broadcast Feature* Song Request feature to broadcasters who are currently broadcastingHappy modulation, and happy adding new friends, make everyone one modulation brother...